Kerrville Yoga Classes


Did you know?

The Kerrville community offers yoga classes seven days a week!

Schedule your spot per the studio’s requirements by following the website links below.


Need to know more about private lessons and events? We are standing by!

Please email with any questions you may have.



Practice Yoga Every Blessed Day

I challenge you to do 31 days of yoga! How do you feel on day one vs day thirty-one?

Click the link below to track your daily progress.

Find out what yoga can do for you!


Free Resource Library


But wait, there’s more! Don’t buy now! Instead, try this out!

Take your yoga off the mat and invite financial mindfulness into your practice. One of the biggest stressors we face in this modern day age is the pressure to buy more, be more, and do more. But how we are going to pay for everything? At Kerrville Yoga, our goal is to maintain peace and stability in the community. But peace starts at home. When we are aware of where our money goes, we are aware of where our energy flows. Find below a few helpful worksheets to give you back your control.